Oklahoma Standard Joint Custody Agreement: What You Need to Know

Getting a divorce can be a complicated and emotional process, especially if you and your partner share children. When it comes to custody arrangements, it can be difficult to come to an agreement that works for both parents and ensures the best interests of the children are met. However, in Oklahoma, there is a standard joint custody agreement that can help streamline the process and provide a framework for parents to work from.

What is a joint custody agreement?

A joint custody agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and rights of each parent when it comes to caring for their children post-divorce. Rather than one parent having primary custody and the other having visitation rights, both parents share legal and physical custody of the children. This means that they both have a say in major decisions concerning their children’s education, healthcare, and other important matters.

What is the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement?

The Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement is a model agreement that has been developed by the Oklahoma Bar Association and is recognized by the state courts. While it is not mandatory, many judges prefer to use this agreement as a starting point for negotiations between parents. The agreement includes provisions for both legal and physical custody and sets out a schedule for when the children will be with each parent. It also includes guidelines for communication between parents and provisions for resolving any disputes that may arise.

What are the benefits of using the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement?

Using the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement can provide many benefits for parents and children. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Saves time and money: Creating a custody agreement from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. Using a standardized agreement can save both time and money.

2. Provides structure and clarity: The agreement provides a clear framework for both parents to follow, which can reduce conflict and help ensure that the children’s needs are being met.

3. Allows for flexibility: While the agreement provides a set schedule for when the children will be with each parent, it also includes provisions for making changes to the schedule if necessary.

4. Prioritizes the best interests of the children: The agreement is designed to ensure that the children’s best interests are always the top priority.

How can I use the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement?

If you are getting divorced and have children, you may want to consider using the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement as a starting point for creating your custody agreement. You and your partner can work together to customize the agreement to meet your specific needs and the needs of your children. It is important to note that the agreement is not binding, and if you are unable to come to an agreement, the court will make the final decision.

In conclusion, the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement is a useful tool for parents who are getting divorced and want to ensure that their children’s needs are being met. While it is not mandatory, it can save time and money and provide a clear framework for co-parenting. If you are considering divorce and have children, it is worth looking into the Oklahoma standard joint custody agreement as a starting point for creating your custody arrangement.